Saturday, February 23, 2008


ya well this year we got Disneyland passes and we were very excited. in the past 3 weeks we have already been 2 times thats how much fun we have been having. I found a really cuite wallet @ the pirts of the carrabian store, this was while the rest of my family was on the ride. this may sound like i am a chicken and trust me i am. my 6 month old cousin can go on it thats how chicken i am. well look at the bright side i got on the snow white ride that when 5 mph.:). well the most important thing is that i had fun.the funniest part of the day was on the finding nemo ride, my mom,my sister,my brother,my aunt ,and my little 2 cousins, and i waited in line for about 15 minutes in line, then we started to board the submarine we were 1st in to the sub. so we were sitting there as everyone else was boarding my mom then got a funny look on her face she turned to my aunt and said" i have to go" my aunt responded" what,What are you"my mom"no i really have to go"my aunt "why" my mom then climbed over the seat while people were boarding on the other side she then climbed up the port hole. well it ended up she was a little bit clostrophobic in there. if you had been there your would have laughed you head off it was so funny. well we hope happy to have many happy returns.


Isabelle Owsley said...

I love your blog Emily . I love your blog Emily. I love your blog EMILY!